Date & Time
Wednesday, May 10, 2023, 1:45 PM - 3:15 PM
Session Type
The Future of Carbon Accounting: Potential Scenarios, Benefits & Challenges for Clean Energy Buyers

An interactive conversation on the expected challenges Buyers might face due to the recent updates of the RE100 technical criteria and the upcoming update of the GHG Protocol for Scope 2 emissions accounting guidance. We will analyze the following current and hypothetical scenarios:

1) (Current situation) Additionality quality criteria, country breakdown, and claims verification included in RE100 technical criteria.
2) (Hypothetical) Granular emissions inventory accounting - Introduction of more stringent “vintage” and “market boundaries” requirements.
3) (Hypothetical) Beyond the megawatt-hour - reporting avoided emissions instead of MWh to maximize carbon reductions.

Participants will receive supporting material with level-setting explanations and interactive elements to foster the debate.